Sabado, Hulyo 9, 2011


Shock and outrage are felt by Filipino Catholics because some people have painted certain members of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines as villains in their attempt to discredit the Bishops.

What these people did, who wanted to destroy the credibility of the Bishops because the Bishops dared to oppose their agenda of preventing life and killing the unborn, was very wrong on several counts.

1) They propose that the Bishops should always be true to their policy of helping the poor and the needy but not from government-mandated legal numbers game, (which the Bishops denounced in the first place). So true, yet should they also fault the Bishops who only "write straight in crooked lines" so to speak? Just because the government did not heed the call of the Church to shun legalizing numbers game then, would that give these high sounding "pro-poor" 'kuno' people the liberty to judge the Bishops? For what could be more optimal strategy than to utilize the proceeds of those govt mandated legal numbers game to help the poor and the needy? But they, in their haste to taint the credibility of the Bishops give their most virulent judgment that the Bishops did not use those funds for the betterment of the poor and needy in their locality.

2) They in their passion to taint the credibility of the Bishops interpret the law to advance their own agenda. For if the actions of certain Bishops, like RECEIVING DONATIONS violated the provisions in the Constitution then by all means prosecute them, but first prosecute the GIVER OF THE DONATIONS first as they are the ones who CAUSE THE VIOLATIONS of the Constitution in the first place. Isn't that more logical?

3) Yeah, yeah...listings of holdings and wealth of the Church were indeed immense and great. And they are not even complete. How about the peace that permeates one's mind when being forgiven of one's sins? How about the serenity that is formed when reflections about the goodness of God as taught and formed by God through His instruments the Church? How about the joy that passes understanding, that cannot be even explained,  yet, we the faithful feel amid these malicious rantings about one's faith in God which other people seem vent to destroy? How about the poor people (ourselves) who maybe bereft of everything grand and rich materially, yet filled with the love of God and good will to our fellow human being - even to those who seek to destroy that love and good will by preventing the upsurge or reproduction of life and killing those that were yet to be born? Yes indeed the Church is very very wealthy for we have a very very wealthy God who is a Father unto us who supplies all our need; that we feel it utmost to share this wealth, this love and goodness to those who will come after us, the yet to be born. This is very very correct.. This is life in God. This is love.

Yes to Life. Yes to Love. Yes to God.

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